Thursday, January 30, 2020

Race and Ethnicity Essay Example for Free

Race and Ethnicity Essay Stereotypes can convey characters and images quickly and clearly, so advertising relies on stereotypes as shortcuts to meaning. The time and space constraints of advertising and any other commercially driven message simply cannot allow for a complete representation of people from any given social group, but stereotypes can clue in to the importance responsibly. Depending on how they are formed and used, stereotypes can present problems. They can be used in functional or dysfunctional way. The functional aspects of stereotypes; stereotype is valuable to create classifications of individuals and serves as conventional characters. So, they are functional when they are accepted as a natural way to guide our expectations. Dysfunctional stereotype, a stereotype in which abnormal or impaired aspects of a culture are emphasized. So, they are dysfunctional when they are used as the sole way to wholly judge individuals incorrectly, seeing them only as part of group. An example of a functional stereotype is that the Germans are punctual, which is correct. On average, they are more punctual than many other peoples. Certainly, the Italians and the Spanish have a different concept of time. For the Spanish, knowledge of this aspect of the German culture means that they can adapt their behavior: when they are expected for dinner, 8 o’clock means 8 o’clock, and not 9 or 10 as it does in Spain. An example of a dysfunctional stereotype is the British saying that the French are dirty, oversexed, and ludicrously obsessed with their culture, and the French saying that the British are cold, uncultivated, hypocritical, and unreliable. Yes, the British are more reserved in the eyes of the French, just like now, Hong Kong people think the mainland people are dirty, low education level, no civic sense and so on all these are dysfunctional stereotypes. However, it is necessary for the advertisements to consider the fact that the dysfunctional aspects of stereotypes far outweigh the functional aspects. Constant exposure of representation of social identity in stereotypical terms in media discourse can make people experience the dangers in real life. For instance, In 2009 „Coke Brrr side of life? television commercial, racial or national identity are presented in stereotypical terms. Problem arises when Blacks/Africans are more negatively stereotyped than Whites/Americans/Europeans and Japanese/Asians. Negative stereotypes generate negative social meanings or implications. By being depicted as lacking in seriousness in the midst of a serious world conference, the African representatives seem misplaced or misbehaved. The negative social implications of these Sambo stereotypes are that Africans are seen as less civilized and less educated than Europeans and Asians, and thus inferior to them. The negative racial stereotyping is inevitable. It is necessary for the producer of this commercial to exploit the functional aspects of stereotypes—creating classifications of individuals and as conventional characters in popular stories—to achieve their profit-oriented goal. What is more significant for the producer(s) to consider is the possibility of audience?s increasing anxiety that may be triggered by the broadcast of TV commercials with negative stereotypical representations like 2009 „Coke Brrr side of life? and the risk of this anxiety to become audiences and consumers? resistance to the commercial and the advertised product. If resistance happens, it is unlikely that the producer(s) can reach their profit-oriented goal. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=99PC7AtabVk youtube of â€Å"Coke Brrr side of life? in 2009 television commercial

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Software Patent And Copyright In India :: Technology Computers Software Essays

Software Patent And Copyright In India Introduction The 21st century is going to be completely depended on computers. The economy and revenue of the country will depend on software, as everything in the future will be controlled by computers. So it becomes very important for the countries all around the globe to follow rules and regulation. So that there is order in working for the welfare of the public. After the introduction of computers it has always been the need of the ideas so that it can be implemented. But every technology has pros and cons of its own. So many ideas started flowing in minds that ideas started clashing with others ideas. Earlier it wasn’t taken as the big issue. But with so many companies started getting affected in terms of revenue by this problem they had to come up with some law and order. The next step taken in saving someone’s work or idea was Software patent and Copyright. Many people confuse with these two things. Software patent and copyright are two different concepts. Copyright is a work usually written work but not necessarily that, which contains the contents of the work. Whereas the patent is the idea which individual thinks and it prevents others from claiming or implementing that idea. Copyright is about copying. Taking contents from any white paper or official document without quoting who did it is considered as copying. But if some one writes that material by his own without referring that content then it doesn’t violates copyright laws. But in case of the patent you cannot use a particular idea in any case. Overview of Software Patent and Copyright in India This paper gives brief description of the intellectual laws being followed in India. It gives description of laws regarding Software patent and copyright in India. In Indian law software patent was never given importance. The software patent and copyright issues in India started taking momentum recently when they progressed from mere service providers to developers.National Association of Software and Service Companies NASSCOM is the organization in India which enforces for the software laws. According to NASSCOM Patent are considered to be more protective than Copyright. It is the organization which is trying to enforce software laws in India. Indian government has been actively participating for protecting the rights of Copyright holder. The amendments made in the 1994 in Indian copyright act were made in association with Department of Electronics and Ministry of Human Resource.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Addiction and Behavior Essay

Thesis Statement: In this paper, I will try and analyze addiction and the various behaviors that addiction will induce in an individual, and I will also describe the kinds of addiction that an average individual is prone to, and research the efforts that are being made for an addict to try to control his offensive behavior brought on by his addiction. Experts feel and do stress on the fact that addictions and compulsions of any kind stem and originate from an overwhelming feeling of not being in control of one’s life, and a need to gain some form of control over events that seem to be overtaking him or her. Certain addictions, however, possess genetic components, and are generally passed on within the family, where one member may have been addicted or been prone to compulsive behaviors. He may have inadvertently passed on this behavior to the next generation, and in these cases, this vicious cycle would continue. Addictions can be of several kinds. One such compulsion is that of an addiction to drugs or other substances, and another is an obsession for sex. Eating disorders can also qualify as addictions of compulsions, and overspending, gambling and overworking too are obsessive and compulsive disorders. According to experts, â€Å"The power of fantasy is the enduring power of addiction†, wherein an addict may be prone to developing fantasies of having gained a sense of control over his life, because of his addiction. The addict would then be quite unwilling to give up these drug induced fantasies and enter a normal life again, and this can be one of the major problems that an addict may face at the time when he is addicted; no matter what his addiction may be. The addicted individual would more often than not choose to induce mood changes in himself, instead of trying to address the actual causes of the stresses that he is faced with. Take for example an alcoholic; he would prefer to drink and blame the failure of his marriage on his spouse, rather than face the underlying issues behind the failure of his marriage. In this lies the causes and the reasons for his continued addiction to alcohol. Take the example of a money addict. This individual would prefer to binge on a spending spree, rather than face the underlying money issues, and making use of the money to settle his debts. In short, an addict behaves in such a way that he believes with strong conviction that no matter what stresses life may have to throw at him, he would be able to face them all, as long as he has his own addiction to get him through life’s tough situations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Earll, Steven, 2004) As a result of extensive scientific research done through the years, today one can be reasonably sure that addiction as such can be qualified as a disease that affects one’s brain as well as one’s behaviors. It is interesting to note that in the past, scientists attributed addictive behaviors related to drug and alcohol abuse to the fact that the user lacked in willpower, and that he could, if he wished to, bring an end to his addictions. This was the view that shaped most of society’s responses to addicts; an addict was viewed as a morally flawed individual, who displayed serious moral failing by being unable to control his own behaviors. It is only today that the average individual is able to comprehend the basic fact that addiction may be the result of a combination of different factors, and that it can must be treated as a disease than could cause great harm to one’s health. Scientists today use this vital knowledge to create and develop effective methods of treatment, which would be able to reduce the toll that addiction has on the individual’s family and friends. Today, preventive drug abuse has gained precedence over other forms of treatment, and this has been proven to help addicts get over their addictions with a reasonable amount of success. Drug addiction or abuse as such can be described as a chronic and relapsing disease that affects the brain of the user, despite the user being aware of the fact that such abuse can result in grave consequences for him in the long run. One must remember that the longer an individual is addicted to drugs, the more harmful the impact of the drugs on his brain, and the more harmful his behavior may become. To understand the true nature of addiction, one must first try to understand why people take drugs, and exactly why they become addicted to drugs and other substances. One of the more important and one of the first reasons according to researchers is that an individual starts taking drugs so that he may feel good. Most drugs induce a sense of great pleasure in the individual who has taken them, and more importantly, the user feels a sense of power, self confidence and self assurance that he would never feel in normal life. Perhaps, the sense of power, feelings of relaxation and of intense satisfaction that the drugs have given him induces him to take more, and then some more, until the time when he can no longer control his intake, and at which time he is considered to be addicted. Individuals, who may suffer from feelings of acute anxiety, or from stress related disorders, or from clinical depression, are also prone to use drugs to help them overcome these feelings. Some others may feel that drugs may help them perform better, like for example an athlete, who may take performance enhancing drugs that would help him win. Adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to drug addiction, perhaps because of peer pressure, or simply because ‘others are doing it, why not me?’ the sad fact is that although drugs may offer the user a sense of satisfaction and power at the outset, it is true that as time goes by, the user will feel that he has to take more quantities of the same drug, if he wished to achieve the same feelings of euphoria and pleasure. It is at this time that the user realizes that he would not be able to function without a ‘fix’, at which time he may be considered an ‘addict’. Drug addicts reach a point of time when they pursue the drug as if it were a lifeline, regardless of the behavioral problems that the Drug usage may cause in them, and the trouble that they may be causing others around them, because of the drug usage and addiction. It is at this point of time that drug usage becomes known as drug abuse and addiction, and it is at this point that the addict’s self control becomes severely strained and impaired. Scientists have conducted brain imaging and mapping studies of drug addicts, and the findings show that for addicted individuals, physical changes become evident in the areas of the brain that would normally control judgment, decision making, memory, and even behavior control. These are the changes in the brain that affect the addict’s behaviors, and they may well be able to shed light on the compulsive and the addictive behaviors displayed by an addict. A tragic factor is that an adolescent’s brain continues to develop and grow into adulthood, and when the adolescent uses drugs and becomes addicted to them, then he undergoes dramatic changes in his pre-frontal cortex, that area of the brain that would enable him to assess a particular give situation, make decisions based on his judgment of that situation, and keep his desires and yearnings under control, as any normal adolescent would do. This means that the adolescent would be forced to lose control over a given situation, and submit to the influence of drug addiction on his behavior. Therefore, say experts, introducing drugs or other substances at this stage of development would automatically have a long lasting negative impact on the young person who has become addicted. (Volkow, D Nora (2007)

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Honor the Brave With Happy Veterans Day Quotes

Veterans of combat have hurled grenades and bombs and shot bullets. Theyve defended their brothers in arms and sometimes watched them fall to the firepower of the enemy. They have gone onto the battlefield, in fighter planes and bombers, on ships and submarines prepared to give the last full measure of devotion. They deserve that same devotion from a grateful nation every day, but one day -- Veterans Day -- is set aside especially to show that appreciation.Some of these famous Veterans Day quotes will bring a tear to your eyes. Cherish these words of inspiration  and if you know a veteran, let him or her know how much you appreciate their devotion to their country. Veterans Day Quotes Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address ... We cannot dedicate -- we cannot consecrate -- we cannot hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. Patrick HenryThe battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Napoleon BonaparteVictory belongs to the most persevering. Thomas JeffersonFrom time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots. John F. KennedyA young man who does not have what it takes to perform military service is not likely to have what it takes to make a living. George S. PattonThe object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. George WashingtonThe willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation. Mark TwainIn the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. Sidney Sheldon My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place --police, firefighters and members of our armed forces. Jose NaroskyIn war, there are no unwounded soldiers. Sun Tzu Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death! Cynthia OzickWe often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. Dwight D. EisenhowerNeither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him. ThucydidesThe secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom, courage. G. K. ChestertonCourage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die. Michel de MontaigneValor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul. Kevin Hearne, TrickedAs any war veteran will tell you, there is a vast difference between preparing for battle and actually facing battle for the first time. Bernard MalamudWithout heroes, we are all plain people and dont know how far we can go. Carol Lynn PearsonHeroes take journeys, confront dragons and discover the treasure of their true selves. James A. AutryI believe it is the nature of people to be heroes, given the chance. Benjamin DisraeliNurture your minds with great thoughts; to believe in the heroic makes heroes.