Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Med School Life Admissions Through the Eyes of an M4

This interview is the latest in an Accepted blog series featuring  interviews with medical school applicants and students, offering readers a behind-the-scenes look at top medical schools and the med school application process. And now, introducing Jenny†¦ Accepted: We’d like to get to know you! Where are you from? Where and what did you study as an undergrad? When did you graduate? Jenny: Hi! Im Jenny, and Im originally from Chicago, but moved to Shanghai, China when I was in junior high. I went to the University of Chicago and studied biology as an undergrad. Accepted: Where are you currently attending medical school? What year are you? Jenny: I currently attend an allopathic medical school in New York City, and Im in my last year! Accepted: What motivated you to pursue a career in medicine? Jenny: I really enjoyed my upper level biology classes as an undergrad, and always wanted to work in the healthcare industry to some capacity. I ended up loving my shadowing experiences, and knew I ultimately wanted the autonomy that comes with being a doctor. As physicians, we can truly make a difference in peoples lives, and thats such a privilege and honor. Accepted: As an MS4, your time in medical school is almost complete! What have been some of your favorite moments thus far? Jenny: Submitting my ERAS (residency application) was so liberating! I felt like everything I worked for led up that moment. But Im also loving my medicine sub-i. Its hard work for sure, but I actually feel like Im part of the team and am doing real work! Its great to feel like youre actually contributing. Fourth year is the best year by far. Accepted: Have you been able to balance your personal life and medical school? Jenny: Thats always a struggle. Im lucky that I have a supportive husband who is incredibly understanding of my schedule and workload. But I cant say that it was always easy. I definitely wish I was able to keep in touch more with my friends outside of school. You really have to prioritize friends and family while in medical school. Accepted: Lets take a look back at your application process How did you organize yourself for applications and secondaries? Jenny: Excel was my life. I categorized the schools I applied to as safeties, matches, or reaches. I think you need to apply broadly, both geographically and in terms of school caliber, to guarantee a positive outcome. When secondaries come around, organization is key. I basically allocated two to three weeks for each secondary, and made sure I didnt submit an essay beyond that time frame. Accepted: How did you prepare for the MCAT? Did you feel like the best prepared test taker on exam day? Jenny: I did take a Kaplan course but I really dont think I benefited that much from it. I found the online resources to be extremely helpful though. Im someone who needs to churn through multiple practice questions and practice tests to get a good feel for an exam. So I would recommend procuring as many exam questions as possible and timing yourself with questions. Also, the Kaplan practice exams are pretty good at predicting your actual score. So if youre doing worse than youd like, you probably need to study more. And I dont think anyone feels super prepared to take the MCAT, and NO ONE feels good about it afterwards. Everyone feels like they missed so many questions, and thats totally normal. Dont freak out. You gave it your best shot and now its time to enjoy the rest of your year 🙂 Accepted: Lastly, if you could tell MS1s anything, what would you tell them? Jenny: Enjoy your time as an MS1! Things will only get busier. You have way more flexibility in your schedule during 1st and 2nd year (if its preclinical), because when you start your clinical rotations, itll be like a full-time job. Youll have less time to go to doctors appointments, make weekend plans, etc. But also, realize that things get much better on the wards. I hated studying so much during my first two years, but just remember that third year is when you finally get to talk to patients, be a real student doctor, and apply all of the knowledge you accumulated over the years. Happy studying, and remember that youre on an amazing path! You can continue following Jenny’s story on her blog, The Vibrant Med, Instagram (@thevibrantmed), Twitter (@TheVibrantMed), and on her YouTube Channel (The Vibrant Med). Thank you Jenny for sharing your story with us, we wish you much success! For one-on-one guidance on your med school applications, check out our catalog of  med school admissions services. Do you want to be featured in Accepted’s blog? If you want to share your med school journey with the world (or at least with our readers), email us at hbspt.cta.load(58291, '8ebd6301-0d73-4195-b896-15302dbca6f5', {}); For 25 years, Accepted has helped applicants gain acceptance to their dream healthcare programs. Our outstanding team of admissions consultants features former admissions directors, admissions committee members, pre-health advisors, postbac program directors, and doctors. Our staff has guided applicants to acceptance at allopathic (MD) and osteopathic (DO) medical schools, residencies and fellowships, dental school, veterinarian school, and physician assistant programs at top schools such as Harvard, Stanford, Penn, UCSF, Johns Hopkins, Columbia, and many more.  Want an admissions expert  to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Navigate the Med School Application Maze, a free guide †¢ The BEST Advice for New Med School Applicants †¢ How to Research Medical Schools

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Video Games And Its Effects On Society - 924 Words

In the video games, for example, we found a series of steps we must take, no real ambiguity with which we have to face in life to many of our decisions. Metaphors, which form of knowledge that helps us to live in the paradoxical nature of life, are outside the transfer of continuous images you see on television and other media. Essential to produce universes of meaning, we cannot escape the need for us to continue it and relate to the world. It may be that the neurological system is enriched with certain aspects of electronic popular culture, but how works in our consciousness? Video games can be dangerous if prolonged long exposure to them. Reflecting the extreme violence causes aggressive players, because the brain reacts as if these violent video games were real, creating repeating patterns in everyday life. Can the brain differentiate reality from fiction or only does our conscience, that appendix that physically is not yet fully determined? Do you develop electronics our capacit y for judgment or, conversely, the sleep? The human being is not only a machine to make decisions, but also a thinking, capable of generating its own universe of meaning to be. The problems of electronic entertainment mechanical responses produced in us, and the system of Johnson makes us think of dopamine as a mere dispenser of pleasure too mechanical and not a complex form of interaction with our surroundings. That role it plays in our lives consciousness. Johnson has been hypothesized thatShow MoreRelatedVideo Games And Its Effects On Society1463 Words   |  6 Pages Movies, video games, music and television shows come in different genres. However, depending on age in regards to youth not just anyone is allowed to: watch certain movies, buy just any video game, listen to any music or watch any tv show. Sometimes they can see certain movies with a parent or guardian. Seeing violence in excess causes violent acts to take place in society because it gives ideas to viewers or listeners especially those who are young. This the reason there are ratings for mediaRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society Essay1380 Words   |  6 Pagesthe 1970’s, video games in America have been controversial. Currently around 97% of America s children play video games in some form; from home consoles such as Xbox, to personal computers and mobile games on smartphones, even in an educational form, video games are nearly everywhere and bringing in big money. Around $21 billion is being funneled into a domestic video game industry. But what are these kids viewing when playing video games and how does that affect their role in society? A commonRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Society1274 Words   |  6 PagesViolence in video games can affect ones mindset in so many different ways, where we don’t even realize it. For example playing â€Å"Grand Theft Auto† for a few hours will change your mindset. Even though it wouldn’t be in a tremendous way, but for a few minutes your mindset will think, â€Å"This game is so much fun, I want to steal cars, have police chase me, shoot at people, even steal helicopters†. According to Social scientists in the New York Times, Many studies have shown that this is becoming a majorRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society1525 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The reason why people find it so enjoyable is that games are usually the right degree of challenging and the player takes an active role (unlike watching television) so there is an incentive to achieve† (Gee) . Ever since video games were invented there was an immediate attachment and an unwillingness to release them. They present chances to accomplish things one may not be able to do in their life, and provides an escape from reality. Video games also imprint and teach new skills to the gamers whoRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society980 Words   |  4 PagesAs a growing medium, video games are often associated with various negative connotations that have obfuscated its positive contributions made to society. As a result, the general public is unaware of how video games have shaped modern-day, some even consider it a meaningless teenager pastime, but this is distant from reality. Video games are important to society at large because they do not serve for entertainment purposes only, they are a major force in the economy, scientific research, and militaryRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Society1588 Words   |  7 PagesSince the creation of Spacewar in spring of 1962, vi deo games have dramatically improved along with technology. It has become the most popular way of entertainment in modern civilization, but it also has become a subject of public concern regarding to its negative effects on peoples psychological and physical problems, especially in children and teens. Video games are now recognized by a study as an addiction according to the journal Psychological Science: â€Å"Researchers used data on 1,200 childrenRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Society2285 Words   |  10 PagesFrom the inception of Pong to the latest chapter of the video game series Assassin’s Creed, virtual gaming has been scorned and shunned as a detriment to society. Older generations speculate that incessant gaming in young children insinuates violence, antipathy, lack of creative initiative, and develops an unhealthy isolation from the real world. However, in recent years, these postulates have been put to the test; a number of scientists have conducted ex perimentation in order to discover whetherRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Game On Society1466 Words   |  6 PagesFor generations games have been an important part of our culture. Many of these games center on war and strategic tactics. Boys and girls have played soldier, Cowboys and Indians, Monopoly, or Chess . Through games such as these the future men and women of society learned strategy and the consequences of controlling and restraining themselves because their actions had consequences. However with the invention of the computer high definition graphics, these games, and many others have been createdRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On The Society859 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to a U.S Study by Rideout Et Al (As Cited in Anderson Bushman 2001.a), the popularity of video games is rapidly increasing. In a U.S study by Butchman Funk (As Cited in Anderson Bushman 2001.b), Around 60 percent of 4th grade girls prefer violent games and about 3 out of every 4 boys with a similar age also prefer ferocious ones. This essay will argue that violence in video games should be censored. For the purpose of this essay, violence can be defined as the physical force intendedRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Society1298 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction During the advent of video games, the world was taken by storm, as this new type of entertainment caught the attention and imagination of the populace; but as this attention grew, concern and scrutiny weren’t far behind. Controversy finally got its chance in the 1990s, when games finally upgraded to 16-bit, giving them the ability to depict realistic blood and gore in games like Moral Kombat; which was criticized for excessive violence, a reason Congress used to create the Entertainment

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Informed Consent Vs. The Gatekeeper Model Essay - 2187 Words

Informed Consent vs. The Gatekeeper Model While things like marriage and anti-discrimination laws have made it safer and more accepting in the mainstream for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, the transgender community remains largely unchanged by these things. One area in particular has remained almost completely stagnant since the 1980s, medicine. Most medical professionals willing to aid transgender individuals in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS) operate under the gatekeeper model. The gatekeeper model is loosely defined as the practice where any combination of doctors, therapists, and psychiatrists take the majority of responsibility for the diagnosing and, â€Å"treatment,† of a transgender person seeking either HRT or SRS. Under this model nearly sole responsibility falls to that group of professionals, and because of that many problems in terms of proper diagnosis, ethics, and safety have sprung up. More recently a very small amount doctors have been operating under a new model. This model, called informed consent, allows the transgender individual to take some responsibility for their treatment, and in a lot of cases subvert the massive amount of unreasonable hoops and rules the gatekeeper model has. The informed consent model of treatment for transgender individuals is the superior model by far in terms of diagnosis, safety, and ethical treatment. The first step in the gatekeeper model is for the transgender patient to receive aShow MoreRelatedCorporation (Fisch) Outline Penn Law Essay62808 Words   |  252 Pages ââ€" ª Kaldor-Hicks Efficiency: (Business law model) *Increases aggregate well-being* Fairness model †¢ An act/rule is efficient (leads to overall improvement in social welfare) if at least one party would gain from it after all those who suffered a loss as a result of the transaction or policy were fully compensated (but those who suffer do not actually have to be compensated). o Wealth-maximization model that takes externalities into account. PotentialRead MoreAmerican Civil Rights Movement Essay15820 Words   |  64 Pagesand governance structure, relying on the market for capital to create competition that will allow shareholders to choose the one they think is best. Individual ownership evolved over time into a variety of models of collective enterprise. In Darwinian terms, the corporate model has prevailed as the legal structure of choice in modern commerce because it was the fittest. Among the special attractions of the corporate form or organization are: †¢ A high degree of advance certitudeRead MoreCrm in Supermarkets30832 Words   |  124 Pages.......................................................................................................... CRMin the retail organization .................................................................................................... CRM role models ..................................................................................................................... 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This book may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the Publishers. 2  © Pearson Education Limited 2011 Contents Acknowledgements Introduction Using this Manual Planning Your Approach Designing the Teaching Scheme A Guide to Using the Work Assignments A Guide to Using the Case Studies StrategyRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pages11.4 Risk assessment 11.5 Risk responses (.2–.1.2) 11.6 Risk register PERT analysis Contingency reserves Change control management G.7 Culture awareness 1.4.4 Project offices 8.1.2 Continuous improvement 5.1 Requirements vs. actual [5.3] Chapter 17 Agile PM Rolling wave This page intentionally left blank Project Management The Managerial Process The McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series Operations and Decision Sciences OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT BeckmanRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words   |  604 Pagespeople willing to file lawsuits, and more government enforcement agencies inspecting HR practices in organizations, it is crucial that HR management be done in ways that reduce the legal exposures faced by the organization. FIGURE 1—7 Cost of HR vs. Value Added of HR HR Costs Strategic (planning) Operational (service delivery) Administrative (record keeping and compliance) HR Value Added 10% 30% 60% 60% 30% 10% SOURCE: Lyle M. Spencer, Reengineering Human Resources (New York:  ©Read MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagessector services. BBC – structural changes to deliver a better service. Sony (B) – more structural changes at the high-tech multinational. Web Reservations International – growth of an Irish SME company through its online reservation system and business model. NHS Direct – using communication and information technology to provide new ‘gateways’ to public services. Doman Synthetic Fibres – resource planning for new products in the synthetic fibres industry. Marks Spencer (B) – turnaround at the high streetRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pageshave had a population so devoted to emigration that even the fields were left barren or leased to outsiders, while another village a few kilometers down the road with almost identical conditions may have produced no migrants at all. Aggregate models and economic approaches are also hard-pressed to explain why migrants chose to travel to one location when wages and opportunities were clearly superior elsewhere. Why did some Italians choose to work in Montreal when the local French Canadians

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Smoke Signals Forgiveness Essay - 1461 Words

The Smoke Signals Forgiveness Smoke Signals, written by Sherman Alexie and directed by Chris Eyre, begins on July 4, 1976 on the Coeur d’ Alene Reservation. Arnold Joseph (Gary Farmer), drunk while celebrating the independence, lit off a firework and set the Builds-the-Fire residence on fire, killing the parents of Thomas Builds-the Fire. Many people were already asleep in the house when the fire started, so no one saw Arnold’s mistake, which he kept a secret from the whole reservation. Both Thomas Builds-the-Fire (Evan Adams) and Victor Joseph (Adam Beach), Arnold’s son, were saved from the burning house. Arnold ran to catch Thomas in his arms after Thomas was thrown from a window. Victor and Thomas grew up together. After the†¦show more content†¦One day, Arlene received a call from Arnold’s neighbor in Phoenix, Suzy Song (Irene Bedard), saying that Arnold had died and that someone should probably come down to Phoenix to take care of the death. This meant that Victor had to take a bus to Phoenix to get Arnold’s possessions and drive his truck back to the reservation. There was just one problem, Victor didn’t have the money for a bus pass, but Thomas did. The catch was, if Thomas gave Victor some money to go to Phoenix, Thomas got to come along too. Victor had no other choice but to accept the offer. And the journey begins. Victor and Thomas had never been off the reservation before. They experienced what it’s really like to be a Native American in the real world. On the bus ride there, two white men took their seats and made rude comments about them being Native Americans. They received a lot of stares and uncomfortable looks from people as well. The bus ride to Phoenix was hard for Victor because he had to deal with Thomas talking the whole time. Victor especially didn’t like it when Thomas brought up his father in conversation. In Phoenix, Thomas and Victor walked many miles through the desert to get to Arnold’s old trailer. Suzy Song lived in a trailer there as well. They met Suzy right away, and she was very helpful. She and Thomas told stories to eachShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Chris Eyres Smoke Signals1190 Words   |  5 Pages Smoke Signals is an award-winning movie directed by Chris Eyre, written and co-directed by Native American poet, fiction writer, and filmmaker Sherman Alexie and based on the book The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. The film reveals the reality of modern Native American life on an Indian reservation using Native American oral tradition storytelling to present insightful interpretation how different and indirect the path to forgiveness works within the movie. Alexie suggests that theRead MoreSmoke Signals By Sherman Alexie1051 Words   |  5 PagesIn Sherman Alexie’s film, Smoke Signals, Alexie uses different story telling devices to show the importanc e of forgiveness. Smoke signals provides a new perspective of Native American culture by submerging us into the lives of two Native American boys, Thomas and Victor. The movie begins with a fire on the Fourth of July on the Coer d’Alene reservation in Idaho, Victor’s father Arnold saves Thomas as an infant by throwing him out a window. The movie jumps ten years forward and Victor receives wordRead MoreThe Smoke Signals By Chris Eyre1301 Words   |  6 PagesSmoke Signals, released in 1998, is a classic film that provides insight to the lives of Native Americans living on reservations. There are very few films that attempt to portray Native Americans at all, yet alone in a respectful manner. The characters are all played by genuine Native American actors including: Adam Beach, Evan Adams, Irene Bedard, Gary Farmer, and Tantoo Cardinal. Additionally, it is directed by Chris Eyre, another Native American. This film tries to overcome stereotypes ofRead MoreA Compariso n Of The Short Story In Smoke Signals1244 Words   |  5 Pages Throughout Smoke Signals it became increasingly apparent that it was not going to follow The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven in quite the way that I originally expected. I do not think that this was a terrible thing. While the novel itself was made up of short stories, Smoke Signals focused primarily on Victor and Thomas’s trip to Arizona. Following their trip to retrieve Victor’s father made the film almost entirely different from the novel, but the film directors did a wonderful jobRead MoreThe, Smoke Signals, An Artistic Film, By Sherman Alexie And Directed By Chris Eyre1464 Words   |  6 PagesMemoirs: Storytelling Through the Eyes of an Artist Smoke Signals, an artistic film, written by Sherman Alexie and directed by Chris Eyre, is a uniquely crafted form and representation of two young native indian men searching for the truths of their past. Alexie uses many different styles of cinematic techniques to tell his story of family, friendship, and the discovery of ones self in this film. Every character has a story to tell and each hold a piece of the story which unfolds as the charectersRead MoreSmoke Signals Elements Of Symbols790 Words   |  4 PagesClayton J. Walp Mr. Morill American Lit. and Comp. 25 September 2017 Smoke Signals: Elements of Representation Natural elements will often be viewed as symbols to represent a cycle of life changing experiences that will ultimately change the character forever on a deeper, spiritual level than what scratches the surface. Going through life, major events that change that person’s sense of direction and demeanor, for better or for worse, can be visualized as an element. Anger, sadness, loss of hopeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Flight 1441 Words   |  6 Pagesholds many lessons and it reminds me a great deal of â€Å"Smoke Signals†. In both stories the main character struggles with their relationship and hatred for their father. Both fathers are drunkards and both fathers realize what kind of damage they are capable of doing and are afraid of the power so they run away. Just like in â€Å"Smoke Signals† the main character learns more about their fathers and begins to relate and somewhat forgive but forgiveness is difficult and even painful and you can’t always forge tRead MoreThe Powwow At The End Of The World By Sherman Alexie893 Words   |  4 Pageswhen I decided there were too many to choose from, I looked at cute love poems, but then I felt that was too childish for me. Somehow during the long and treacherous poem search, I came across Sherman Alexie hoping he had a poem about the movie Smoke Signals. I did not find one about the movie, but I did find something that had hit home with me, â€Å"The Powwow at the End of the World.† After reading the poem several times, I figured that I did not need to do much brainstorming for the essay because theRead MoreLooking For Alaska By John Green991 Words   |  4 Pageswritten in two parts, before and after. Before, Miles fits in perfect at Culver Creek where he meets his first true friends, Chip â€Å"The Colonel† Martin and Alaska Young. His friends help him adjust to life at the boarding school by teaching him to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and pull pranks with the best of them. Miles begins to fall helplessly in love with Alaska, but she continuously reminds him that she has a boyfriend. She constantly flirts with Miles, but refuses to let it go further thanRead MoreThe Death Penalty And Capital Punishment3365 Words   |  14 PagesNonetheless, by carrying out a death sentence, you force another family to suffer. The death penalty doesn t change the fact that the victim is gone and will never come back. Hate, revenge, and anger will never cure the emptiness of a lost loved one. Forgiveness is the only way to start the healing process. This won t happen in a revenge focused individual. 4. Most people believe our justice system shows more sympathy for criminals than it does victims. Placing the importance of our criminal justice

Racism Friendship By Toni Morrison - 890 Words

Racism impacting friendship Toni Morrison’s Recitatif focuses on one major character, Twyla, who was raised in an orphanage, not because her parents were dead, but because of her mother’s need to â€Å"dance all night† and the lack of care for Twyla. The fact of Twyla’s mother lacking parental skills was a key reason Twyla was brought up to be the racist girl she was. Twyla, identify her racism at a young age, does her best to overstep this aspect of her life to improve for only herself. In this story Twyla and Roberta’s friendship is characterized by the central idea of racial differences to which interracial friendship is identified as unworthy. First off, Twyla’s racism is first seen at the beginning of the story when Twyla refers to Roberta, the African American, as being â€Å"smelly†; however, she says this from the impact of her mother saying, â€Å"that they never washed their hair and they smelled funny† (Morrison, 203). Another aspect of racism is detected when Twyla declares, â€Å"Roberta’s mother looked down at me then and then looked down on Mary too. She didn’t say anything, just grabbed Roberta with her bible free hand and stepped out of line, walking quickly to the rear of it† (Morrison, 204). Roberta’s mothers’ action upon meeting Twyla and her mother, Mary, could symbolize racism. Racism can be inferred based on the racial impact, from Roberta’s mother, and of the differences in the color of their skin in the way Roberta’s mother turns and heads to the end of the line. ThisShow MoreRelatedRacism In Ralph Ellison1659 Words   |  7 Pages Racism in Toni Morrison’s and Ralph Ellison’s Works As generations have passed, society has become less and less racist. From a young age, many children are taught to celebrate diversity. This instills a sense of being able to love everyone, regardless of skin color or race. But a little over half a century ago, it was a completely different story. There was segregation present in buses, water fountains, and even bathrooms; this was all due to assumptions people made, just based on someone else’sRead MoreThe Friendship Of Two Black Women By Toni Morrison Essay986 Words   |  4 PagesToni Morrison’s novel is about the friendship of two black women, and how they and others live with the challenge social circumstances in Ohio during 1920s to 1960s. Throughout the story, Morrison encourages black women should overcome hardships and traumatic experiences to become independent and self-determined when they face racism, sexism, and poverty. The paper is using social work lens to examine how African-American history affects U.S social welfare. To be honestly, learning American historyRead MoreEssay on Transcendence and Transgression in Toni Morrisons Sula1184 Words   |  5 PagesThe Black women writers like Alice Walker, Paule Marshall, Toni Cade Banbara and Toni Morrison have always propagated the black feminist consciousness through their works. By giving voice to the voiceless, these writers renounce all the negative stereotypical images of black women. Morrison is an important writer among the league who has always startled her readers with her creative powers by giving her work such a finesse that one feels engulfed in her storyline. Awarded the Nobel Prize in 1993Read MoreToni Morrison Framework Of Black Literature823 Words   |  4 PagesDwashonique Sanford English 207 Professor Cliffari May 24th 2017 Toni Morrison: Rectaif The framework of the American Literary Canon has, for Black Literature, naturally denoted the assimilation to the conventional guidelines of an overbearing tradition and its previously established works. â€Å"in postmodern period, traditional literature has been found to have been written by â€Å"dead white males† to serve the ideological aims of a conservative and repressive Anglo hegemony. In an array ofRead MoreRacism : Black Or White?949 Words   |  4 Pagesall of these races make up the different racial groups in America. Racism is the belief that race is the reason for human traits and that racial differences cause a race to be inferior or superior to other races. Racism affects how Americans live and work together in America. Recitatif by Toni Morrison published in 1983, fifteen years after the Civil Rights Movement, is an example of fictional writing that addresses the topic of racism that occurred in America. Morrison’s use of main characters withRead Mor eLiterary Analysis Of Recitatif1135 Words   |  5 PagesLiterary Analysis Paper: â€Å"Recitatif† by Toni Morrison Many authors write fictional novels about historical events. A common topic written about is the racial integration between African Americans and whites during the 1950’s. Although the short story â€Å"Recitatif† explicate many different themes, the central topic of Morrison’s writing is about racism. Throughout the story, the author expresses examples of hatred between black and white races at the shelter, the different encounters they have, andRead MoreEssay on Recitatif by Toni Morrison522 Words   |  3 PagesRecitatif by Toni Morrison Recitatif, by Toni Morrison, is a profound narrative that I believe is meant to invite readers to search for a buried connotation of the experiences that the main characters, Twyla and Roberta, face as children and as they are reunited as adults. Some of the story?s values and meanings involving race, friendship and abandonment begin to emerge as the plot thickens; however, more messages become hidden and remain unrecognized, even until the very last sentence. Read MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Essay1253 Words   |  6 Pagesshows the things that they had to go through. The things that shaped their friendship throughout their time in the shelter. Their friendship is tested because during this time whites and blacks weren t exactly supposed to be seen together. Which leads me to the theme of race. Race has shaped this whole story, because of the time period it was set in. It brings up tension but is also not mentioned upfront. In my opinion Morrison did this to show the right and w rong that had gone on throughout this timeRead More`` Strangers `` By Toni Morrison And James Baldwin1400 Words   |  6 Pagesthe works of Toni Morrison and James Baldwin. We encounter too many people everyday and it’s impossible to get to know them all. We observe and gauge them based on appearances, just like we do with â€Å" Books based on their cover † says Edwin Rolfe in â€Å"Murder in the Glass room†. In â€Å"Strangers† by Morrison, she meets a fisherwoman at her neighbor’s seawall. Morrison notices that the woman was â€Å"wearing men’s shoes, a man’s hat, a well-worn colorless sweater over a long black dress†(Morrison 199). It seemsRead MoreThe Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison992 Words   |  4 PagesSet in the 1940s, during the Great Depression, the novel The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison, illustrates in the inner struggles of African-American criticism. The Breedloves, the family the story revolves around a poor, black and ugly family. They live in a two-room store front, which is open, showing that they have nothing. In the family there is a girl named Pecola Breedlove, she is a black and thinks that she is ugly because she is not white. Pecola’s father, Cholly Breedlove, goes through humiliated

Internal and External Environments For the oil and Gas Industries

Question: Describe about the Internal and External Environments For the oil and Gas Industries? Answer: In the last few years, the oil and gas industries have gone through certain circumstances. The main key areas of oil and gas industries in the world are unexpected alterations in alliances and political views and familial changes in the countries that are producing the unconventional hydrocarbons resources. The share holders of the companies who are producing the unconventional resources are in sturdy panic. This is because the lack of electricity supply in the industries producing the unconventional resources. If the production in the gas and oil industry failed to produce the resources then the share price of the industry will fall down in the stock market. The production of unconventional resources in the United States of America is much cheaper and the industries situated in the United States of America make much more profit margin by producing and selling the shale gas. This type of industry emits CO2 which makes the environment polluted. The industry producing the shale gas is not at all eco friendly company as they use the non renewable energy which emits CO2. The Government of those countries are trying to use renewable energy for the production of shale gas to reduce the emissions of CO2. To make the industry eco friendly, it gives rise to the term Revolution in the United States of America. According to IFPEN, it is very difficult to extract the unconventional hydrocarbons because the unconventional hydrocarbons are generally located in the lower bed of the soil which is very difficult to extract. The unconventional hydrocarbons are not refined oil or very good quality oil, but the method of extraction of hydrocarbons is very difficult and these resources are very difficult to accessible (Wilber, 2012). In the year 1947, the shale gas was first extracted in the United States of America. The two extraction method is used in extracting the shale gas. They are given as follows: a) Hydraulic Fracturing b) Horizontal Drilling. The formation of shale gas is mainly composed of methane enclosed in the rock better known as argillaceous rock with a high ease of organic matter. The argillaceous rocks spellbound in the soil as the stable gas is very much air tight. The extraction of shale gas is very much complicated. The two methods used in extracting the shale gas is hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. While producing the unconventional hydrocarbons, the industry emits CO2 which is very poisonous gas and is not eco friendly. These emissions of CO2 cause to have revolution in the United States of America. In the year 1821, William Hart was the first person to produce shale gas in the New York City. Since the year 1821, the production of unconventional hydrocarbons is done by the small drivers for their industry purposes (Spellman, 2013). The gain percentage is very small in the production process and that is why the big industries in the United States of America do not show any interest in the unconventional hydrocarbons. As the profit margin is very much less in extracting the shale gas, and the extraction of shale gas is very difficult, the unconventional hydrocarbons are unchallenging and cushy in the market. Now days, the boom market situation of unconventional hydrocarbons forces the industry to find out the easiest method of extracting the shale gas and to extract the shale gas (Shah, 2009). The extraction method of shale gas is the combination of two methods like hydraulic fracturing method and horizontal drilling method to extract the unconventional hydrocarbons. These two methods are invented later in the year 1947. The extraction process of unconventional hydrocarbons is firstly a mixture of water and chemicals and sand is injected in the soil at very high pressure in terms to break or fracture the argillaceous rock and to unshackle the gas. This process is known as the hydraulic fracturing process. After the hydraulic fracture process comes the horizontal drilling. In horizontal drilling process, the unshackle gas is collected from the lower bed of the soil. Later in the year 1982, the market condition of unconventional hydrocarbons is transformed into the boom market. As the industry of the shale gas earns a huge profit margin from the unconventional hydrocarbons. The demand of the unconditional hydrocarbons was increasing vigorously. The United States of American Government raises their funds for extracting the unconventional hydrocarbons which helps the industries to get incentives to extract the unconventional hydrocarbons (Santos, 2012). Another major factor of extracting the shale gas is the rights of the land in the United States of America. The land owner gets some incentives from the Government of United States of America so that the land owner of the land gives the land in lease to the Government of US. After getting the land in lease, the Government of US exploits the minerals from the land and use the shale gas in trading purposes. This makes the industry earn more profit as the cost of extracting the shale gas and the produc tion of shale gas gets minimized. But in the beginning of the 20th century, the high demand and the high cost of shale gas increases the production level of unconventional gas. This makes the industry to increase their profit margin. As the profit margin increased in the industries producing the shale gas, it provokes the Government of the country and the industry to invest more money in extracting the shale gas (Sakmar, 2013). The revolutions made by the industry are as follows: increases the infrastructure of the industry to extract the shale gas by increasing the pipelines for the shale gas, the supply chain of the industry was developed, comparatively beam ecological conventions, the policies of the Government, the structure of the market has changed, the availability of water has increased by the industries, technologies with high efficiencies has been used. In the middle of 19th century, the production of shale gas has started. But it seems to be very costly for the industry to produce shale gas. At that time the demand of the shale gas was not so high. The extraction process to extract the shale gas was very difficult. It requires very powerful energy to extract the shale gas. But in the year 1970, the demand of shale gas increases rapidly. The cost of the unconventional hydrocarbons also increases. The increase in the cost price of unconventional hydrocarbons provoked the industry to produce the shale gas (Ruwanpura et al. 2010). After the production level increases, the trading rate of the shale gas also increases. The production level of shale gas takes the GDP of the country in higher level. As the production level of shale gas increased in the United States of America, the Government of United States of America has decreases the rate of import on the natural gas. The import of natural gas has decreased from 60 % to almost 42 % in the year 2012. Dreyer and Stang shows that the in the year 2007 to 2008, the shale gas produced in the United States of America is almost 23 %. In the year 2013, the production level of shale gas increased to almost 44 % among the production of natural gas (Rao, 2012). All the countries of the world noticed that the production level of shale gas is almost doubled in the current year than the production level of shale gas in the year 2008. In addition, during the year 2007 to 2010, the production level of shale gas has decreased almost 5.5 % in the account of importing the minerals in the United States of America. It shows that the production of shale gas decreased from 16.5 % to 11 % (Plunkett, 2014). The decrease in production of shale gas occ urs in the United States of America because Canada has entered into the booming market of shale gas. Canada also entered in the production of shale gas. Furthermore, the shale gas rebellion has appreciably pretentious the prices of the natural gas in United States of America. As the waves surplus has obsessed to a extraordinary drop in the United States mineral prices. For precedent, 4 years back the cost of the domestic natural gas at Henry Hub was almost less than $ 5 (Asia Dept, 2012). That year the utilization of natural gas was high in the United States of America. In the year 2011, the mean price of wellspring was very low. The price was almost $ 3.95 per thousand cubic feet. In the second month of the same year, the price was even falls down to $ 2.46 per thousand cubic feet (Pilisi, 2010). After analysing the current situation, the future aspects of the price of the mineral gas are under vigorous doubtful and may be ebb and flow in the price of the natural gas of United States of America. But later on during the year 2005, the import of oil in United States of America has fallen down to almost 36 % that is 4.5 million barrels per day. The Bank of America Corporation shows that the United States of America has became the largest producer of oil in the global market. The GDP of United States of America has also increases in huge aspects. Apart from this, the United States of America has decreased the import of natural resources from the other country. There is close competition between the United States of America and Saudi Arabia with the production of oil. Saudi Arabia is getting behind the United States of America in the production shale gas (Bern, 2011). The export of shale gas is decreased in Saudi Arabia in respect to United States of America. The GDP rate of Saudi Arabia is going down due to decrease in exporting the shale gas in the global market. But still Saudi Arabia is one of the largest oil production countries. It esteems many countries in the world with the production of oil. But many of the countries in the Asia and many other European countries still import oil from Saudi Arabia. Long time before mi llions of money was invested in the United States of America by Saudi Arabia. Now Saudi Arabia is withdrawing their money from United States of America which may affect the economic conditions of United States of America (Patterson et al. 2010). Both the countries like United States of America and Saudi Arabia showed the interest to fight against the terrorism and hinder Iran from flattering a nuclear authority in the global market. This creates war in between the United States of America and Iran. The United States of Amer.ica took all the power from Iran for their natural resources like shale gas and natural mineral resources (Demirbas, 2010). United States of America got the tastes of producing the oil and trading it in the global market. It provokes the GDP growth of United States of America and makes a better condition of the economic condition of United States of America. In the beginning of the 19th century, United States of America do not have any natural resources with them which makes them a huge suffer in their economic growth. But after they started producing the unconventional hydrocarbons and exporting it in the global market, there is a growth in the economic condition of United States of America. The rate of import of natural gases in United States of America decreases. This causes an increase in the GDP growth of United States of America. Now United States of America has became one of the largest oil producing country in the global market (Olah et al. 2006). In order to imitate the United States of America achievement in conditions of shale gas, countries require to congregate conditions such as a constructive subsurface geology, right to use to proprietors natural resources privileges, available and ground-breaking skill and knowledge, luminosity sympathetic legislation structure and huge speculation and investigation. On the other hand, the issues have turn out to be very complicated to impersonate for the widely held of countries with elevated latent of unconventional hydrocarbons and natural resources. Even though, the present skills and knowledge are greatly superior to the urbanized decades back in the United States of America. Much more innovations are needed in command to become accustomed present skills and knowledge and to develop current skills and knowledge to fabricate unconventional hydrocarbons gainful in the global market where water possessions which are significantly discrete from United States of America (Levant, 2014). For example: China is one of the developed countries in the world and the technology used in China is most modern and advanced technology. The cost of drilling method is much higher in the Saudi Arabia and United States of America. So, the technology used by China in the method of drilling while extracting the shale gas is less advanced and the cost incurred in the drilling method is costly than the method used for drilling purposes in Saudi Arabia and United States of America. The time taken in drilling method by United States of America is almost one month to complete one drill whereas, the time taken by China is almost four months to complete one drill to extract the shale gas (Muehlenbachs et al. 2012). So, to lower the cost of shale gas in the global market, China needs to get more advanced and modern technology to extract the shale gas and to trade the shale gas in the global market in much cheaper price. The European countries have obtainable obstacles which makes it complicated to carry on with the investigation and feasible searching of shale gas. The countries in the Europe have reflected that the ecological concerns concerning the technique of hydraulic fracture for extracting the shale gas. On the other hand many countries like France, Bulgaria have expelled the method of hydraulic fracturing to extract and to produce the shale gas in their country, as the technique consumes lots of amount of water and the techniques is not at all an eco friendly practice. This practice of method also causes earthquake in the area where the extracting of shale gas takes place (Kuehn, 2011). This is because the method used in extracting the shale gas is very much hampering the soil. The unconventional hydrocarbon production is an important and imposing technological and manufacturing accomplishment. The skills and knowledge uses a huge quantity of stream and has been liable of incriminated the water for drinking purpose and also causes natural calamity like earth quakes near active drilling sites (Eckhardt and Sloto, 2012). It is rich in activity which has a large amount of energetic rigs, convey, distribution which involved in distressing the societies. The eccentric wealth growth in the United States of America has transcendental worldwide blow on the natural resources sector (Klett, 2012). It has distorted the speculation of views for vigour projects, distorted natural resources oil and gas chorography, customized the flow of natural resources trading and rearranged the environment revolutionize dispute to hub unswervingly on the position of natural resources and to convene squat carbon aims. In accumulation, it has provided to swap the natural resources phase of United States of America by developing the trade in reliance which is considerably trading in less shale gas and has improved its industry competitiveness in all over the world. Even though, the present skills and knowledge are a good deal of superior than those urbanized decennium back in United States of America (Jowell, 2012). More modernism is needed to regulate present skills and knowledge to progress new skills and knowledge to fabricate unconventional hydrocarbons gain in the countries where resources of water and chorography can be significantly separate from United States of America. Russia and China signed the new natural resources agreement which will almost certainly carry inconveniences for the industries looking for trading out from United States of America raising the unconventional hydrocarbons provisions to Asian countries. This is because the natural resources from Russia will hypothetical traded out to China from the year 2018 (Eckhart, 2009). The analyst analyses that in the year 2018, United States of America will become one of the largest exporter of natural resources all over the world. If United States of America becomes the largest exporter of natural resources then United States of America will have the rights to decide when and how and where to sell more natural resources in the worldwide market and how to persuade the cost of the natural resources in the world wide market. The Government of United States of America will act as monopoly firm in the field of natural resources and will decide how much amount of money will be increase in the market of natural oil. The revolution on shale gas exhibits because extracting the shale gas is the rights of the land in the United States of America. The land owner gets some incentives from the Government of United States of America so that the land owner of the land gives the land in lease to the Government of US. After getting the land in lease, the Government of US exploits the minerals from the land and uses the shale gas in trading purposes (Hilyard, 2009). This makes the industry earn more profit as the cost of extracting the shale gas and the production of shale gas gets minimized. But the European countries do not practiced the methods of extracting the shale gas due to bad conditions creates by the extraction method. European Union is keen to limit the emissions of CO2 as it hampers the environmental conditions. The European Union wants to decrease the use of renewable energy by increasing the cost of the renewable energy in the market place (Grobe et al. 2009). That is why, the European Union wants to deal with the natural gas to avoid producing coal to burn the energies. The countries using the extraction method to produce shale gas because the countries want to develop their economic conditions of their country by producing their own shale gas. This will catch the fancy of the foreign investors to invest in their country. By producing the shale gas, the government of their country can export the shale gas in the other countries which will increase their GDP growth (Freeland, 2011). References: Asia Dept, I. (2012). Regional Economic Outlook, November 2012. Washington: International Monetary Fund. Bern, G. (2011). Investing in Energy. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons. Demirbas, A. (2010). Methane Gas Hydrate. Dordrecht: Springer. Eckhardt, D. and Sloto, R. (2012). Baseline groundwater quality in national park units within the Marcellus and Utica Shale gas plays, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, 2011. Reston, Va.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. Eckhart, J. (2009.). Water use by the oil and gas industry. Freeland, N. (2011). The strategic importance of shale gas. Carlisle, PA: Center for Strategic Leadership, U.S. Army War College. Grobe, M., Pashin, J. and Dodge, R. (2009). Carbon dioxide sequestration in geological media. Tulsa, OK: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Hilyard, J. (2009). 2010 International Petroleum Encyclopedia. Tulsa: PennWell Corporation. Jowell, T. (2012). Geo-spatial modeling of potential oil and gas structures in mineral leases within the Attoyac Watershed of East Texas and their impact on landscape fragmentation. Klett, T. (2012). Assessment of potential shale gas resources of the Bombay, Cauvery, and Krishna-Godavari Provinces, India, 2011. [Reston, Va.]: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. Kuehn, S. (2011). Landscape practices on gas well sites in North Texas. Levant, E. (2014). Groundswell. Toronto: Signal. Muehlenbachs, L., Spiller, E. and Timmins, C. (2012). Shale gas development and property values. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. Olah, G., Goeppert, A. and Prakash, G. (2006). Beyond oil and gas. Weinheim [an der Bergstrasse, Germany]: Wiley-VCH. Patterson, C., Struck, S. and Murray, D. (2010.). World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013. Pilisi, N. (2010). An advisory system for selecting drilling technologies and methods in tight gas reservoirs. [College Station, Tex.: Texas AM University. Plunkett, J. (2014). Plunkett''s Chemicals, Coatings Plastics Industry Almanac 2015. Houston: Plunkett Research, Ltd. Rao, V. (2012). Shale gas. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press. Ruwanpura, J., Mohamed, Y. and Lee, S. (2010). Construction Research Congress 2010. Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers. Sakmar, S. (2013.). Energy for the 21st Century. Santos, F. (2012). Humans on earth. Heidelberg: Springer. Shah, Y. (2009.). Water for energy and fuel production. Spellman, F. (2013). Environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Wilber, T. (2012). Under the surface. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Unisa englilsh free essay sample

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Please consult the publication my Studies @ Unisa which you received with your study material for more information on myUnisa. 5. 1. 3 Tutorials UNISA Regional Centres offer face to face tutorials on Saturdays and we encourage all students to attend the tutorials. Students must consult their nearest regional centres to register for these tutorials. 5 5. 1. 4 Appointment of e-tutors In accordance with UNISA’s 2015 strategic plan, e-tutors have been appointed to assist students in achieving their educational goals. The e-tutors will provide online support and guidance on the myUnisa portal. Students are urged to actively interact and participate on the site as this has the dual function of providing tutorial guidance and an opportunity to engage meaningfully with fellow students. Kindly register for a mylife account to make use of this added advantage. 6 MODULE-SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN Please visit myUnisa for updated study plans. 7 MODULE PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING This section is not applicable to ENG1511. 8 ASSESSMENT 8. 1 Assessment plan SEMESTER 1 Assignment No. Type of Assignment Compulsory Due dates Unique number Weight 01 Written Yes 14 March 2014 788997 50 02 Written Yes 16 April 2014 887503 50 Assignment No. Type of Assignment Compulsory Due dates Unique number Weight 01 Written Yes 15 August 2014 840768 50 02 Written Yes 12 September 2014 898692 50 SEMESTER 2 8. 2 General assignment numbers Assignment 1: Reflection and reading Assignment 2: Essay writing 8. 2. 1 Unique assignment numbers Semester 1 Assignment 1: 788997 6 ENG1511/101 Assignment 2: 887503 Semester 2 Assignment 1: 840768 Assignment 2: 898692 8. 2. 2 Due dates for assignments See 8. 1 above. 8. 3 Submission of assignments See 8. 1 above. 8. 4 Assignments SEMESTER 1 ASSIGNMENTS Assignment No. Type of Assignment Compulsory Due dates Unique number Weight 01 Written Yes 14 March 2014 788997 50 02 Written Yes 16 April 2014 887503 50 ASSIGNMENT 01: SEMESTER 1 DUE DATE: 14 MARCH 2014 UNIQUE NUMBER: 788997 COMPULSORY: YES Read the following story and answer the questions that follow. 1. It was in 1997 that we first met. 2. I first saw Mimmy on one of my visits to Soshanguve to see my homeboys. My friends were tenants in a certain house with backrooms. There were two backrooms in that yard, one for gents and the other for ladies. Mimmy rented one of the rooms. Unlike other love stories, ours was not love at first sight. I visited a number of occasions before I really noticed that there was this young woman in particular. You know how mischievous boys are! But, for my friends and me, mischief meant just talking about girls. 3. 4. Most of the time when I was visiting my friends, Mimmy would either be busy or not be there at all. That didn’t bother me that much. Mimmy was reserved and she seemed not to notice us or other people for that matter, she seemed somewhat oblivious to the comings and goings of people around her. 7 Don’t get me wrong here, I don’t mean that she was rude. I mean she would only greet us and go her own way while the other girls would greet us and chat a bit. 5. I realized that she was not like the other girls. 6. I was intrigued; I decided to approach her to get to know her better. I remember very well the first time I approached her. She was wearing a long navy dress with buttons from the chest down. Because we were making a noise in front of the backrooms, she decided to go to the back of the house with her books. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, I saw her and followed her. She was studying, but in a naughty way I decided to interrupt her. 7. I introduced myself first and asked for her name. I asked why she was studying outside – that is where I got the noise story. I was fascinated, mine was just to understand what kind of a person this was, who didn’t mingle with others. But I got more than I had bargained for. 8. After that ‘first’ meeting, I found myself visiting my homeboys more often. On my visits I realized Mimmy and I had many things in common, and from then on we became friends. We spent hours doing different things. We went to the library together. We went to gym together. We jogged together. We even accompanied each other as we went grocery shopping. I started to understand what people mean when they say they have friends with whom they share ideas and life experiences. Mimmy was such a friend. When I had an interesting or disturbing occurrence, I would go and visit her just to talk to her about it. 9. Then, my visits started to be more for Mimmy than my homeboys. Our friendship was raising eyebrows. Many of our friends thought we were in love, but we both knew we were just friends. I never imagined that we would be lovers because we were such good friends. In fact, I used to think that one day I would be one of the VIPs at Mimmy’s wedding celebration! 10. When it was time for school holidays, I felt that the days were too long. I realized that I was actually missing Mimmy. Then it dawned on me that that was a different kind of friendship. I remember two of my friends asking me about Mimmy in terms of her being a beautiful woman. Somehow I felt jealousy creeping up on me. It gradually became clear that, â€Å"I love this woman. I am in love! † You can say I was now intoxicated with love. But I couldn’t tell her, not yet. 11. I tried my best to ignore the fact that I was falling in love with my friend. I didn’t know what she would say to me if I broke the news to her. The audacity of declaring my feelings to her was not an option! I purposed in my heart, then, that I wouldn’t tell her anything until I was sure that she felt the same way about me. 12. Then, one day while we were chatting along the way, I realized from our conversation that she was also in trouble†¦she was also in love. 8 ENG1511/101 13. To cut a long story short, one day I decided to be a man about my feelings. I asked her to visit and told her that there was something very special that I wanted to tell her. Her eyes were sparkling with wonder and excitement in anticipation of what the issue would be. That day finally came, the 1st of May, it was a holiday and it was perfect. 14. I first told her that I wanted my children to have teeth like hers, lips like hers! She seemed puzzled but I think she was just trying to make me say the right words before she could comment By Percy Malatsi Now answer the following questions. 1. Look up all the dictionary entries of the following words and write down the one that is most contextually relevant to the text. i) Tenant ii) Intrigue iii) Audacity iv) Oblivious (4 marks) 2. Which of the following words has a prefix that means ‘not’ or ‘the opposite of’? i) Understand ii) Until iii) Unlike iv) Underling v) Unfortunately (2 marks) 3. Correct the following sentences for subject-verb agreement, tenses and fragments. i) My cat it is very playful. ii) When he thought he could afford to pay his own school fees. iii) This children keep making a noise. iv) These are great news indeed; I can’t believe I made it! v) When I was young, I use to love playing with dolls. vi) He is an energetic young woman. vii) Going home now, how I wish I could get there before it starts to rain. viii) In 1990, he lead his team to a glorious victory. ix) Everyone have a right to live happily ever after. x) I am taking a bus to school every day. (10 marks) If you wanted to know the name of the place where this story takes place, would you skim or would you scan through the story? (1 mark) 4. 5. If you wanted to know the gist of the story, would you skim or would you scan through the story? (1 mark) 6. Skimming and scanning form part of the -reading strategies. (1 mark) 9 7. Find three sets of homophones in the passage. (3 marks) 8. Why is ‘first’ in the first sentence of paragraph 8 in inverted comas? (1 mark) 9. The writer claims that he had many things in common with Mimmy. In which paragraph do we find evidence to support that claim? (1 mark) 10. Paraphrase the sentence, â€Å"To cut a long story short, one day I decided to be a man about my feelings. † (Paragraph 13) (1 mark) Total: 252= 50x 2=100 10 ENG1511/101 ASSIGNMENT 02: SEMESTER 1 DUE DATE: 16 April 2014 UNIQUE NUMBER: 887503 COMPULSORY: YES Assignment function This assignment gives you the opportunity to write an argumentative essay and receive feedback. Before you attempt this assignment, please read through the marking code and the marking assessment grid below as this will give you an indication of how your assignment will be marked. Marking Code SYMBOL ERROR EXPLANATION abb Abbreviation Do not use abbreviations, or contractions (such as cant, dont, etc) in formal writing ap Apostrophe error An apostrophe is a comma that hangs above the line to indicate possession or missing letters boy’s nose; boys’ noses; I’ll; isn’t; it’s; NB: its (without an apostrophe) is the possessive form: The dog chewed its bone. cap Capital letter The word should begin with a capital letter. p Punctuation You have mis-used a punctuation mark, or omitted one where it was necessary. sp Spelling You have mis-spelt a word. Try to get into the habit of using a dictionary consistently. l/c Lower case This word does not begin with a capital letter. 11 SYMBOL ERROR EXPLANATION agr (s/v) Agreement error Your verb does not agree with your subject in number. Check whether your subject is singular or plural, e. g. The students read the book, but The student reads the book art Article error You have used a instead of the, or vice versa, or left one of them out. c/s Comma splice You have joined two ideas (ie two separate sentences) without using a connecting word, or proper punctuation. Either add a connecting word, or change the comma to a semi-colon, or break the comma-spliced sentence into two separate sentences. Fragmentary sentence Your sentence does not have a verb, and therefore is only a fragment of a sentence. Incomplete sentence You have left out part of the sentence. T Tense error Your verb is in the wrong tense. WO Word Order incorrect The words in your sentence are in the wrong place. Your marker will have used arrows to indicate where the word(s) should go. amb Ambiguity Your statement could have two meanings. Rephrase. arg Argument Your argument / explanation is not methodical / coherent / relevant. awk Awkward phrasing Your sentence sounds awkward and clumsy. Revise word choice and word order. st Style slang/colloquial/sms language-rewrite in formal English frag / inc 12 ENG1511/101 SYMBOL ERROR EXPLANATION exp Expresion faulty Your sentence is difficult to understand because of errors too numerous to list. irr Irrelevant What you have said has nothing to do with the topic. L? / ill Logic faulty illogical vague puzzling [ New Paragraph You have started discussing a new idea. You need a new paragraph. Vocabulary error / Wrong word You have used the wrong word or you could have used a better one. wdy Wordiness You have used too many words to say something which could be said far more simply and concisely. / Instead of Delete Insert Replace with what is suggested instead. Omit this word/phrase/ explanation. A word or a letter is missing here. voc WW 0 / ? / / or Illogical, or your writing does not make sense here. clarify the sense Write and revise your essay with the following evaluators’ guidelines in mind: Marking Assessment Content (25) and expression (25); Total: (50). †¢ †¢ Content includes topic interpretation, ideas (relevance, weight, originality) and their organisation (introduction conclusion; paragraphing; cohesion; logicality). Expression rates a candidates control of standard academic English, particularly as reflected in sentence structure, diction and correctness. 13 % Content m/25 Expression m/25 4 1 1 8 2 2 12 3 3 16 4 4 20 24 Interpretation and arguments so lacking in intelligence that it would be futile for this candidate to repeat the subject. 5 6 Ranges from incomprehensible to barely literate: vocabulary sentence patterns elementary; serious errors in sentence structure, language, diction, spelling punctuation. 5 6 28 7 7 32 8 8 36 9 9 40 44 48 52 Inadequate despite some understanding of the topic; ideas confused or disconnected; lacks logical sequencing, development cohesion. Just adequate in the balance of considerations. 56 60 64 68 10 11 12 13 14 Sound. Clear grasp of the task; deals well with the obvious points; organises ideas logically; or some imbalance arriving at the same level of general success. 15 16 17 Meaning confused or obscured: vocabulary and sentence patterns limited; errors in sentence structure, language, diction, spelling punctuation. 10 Meaning seldom obscured; adequate control of basics; lightly sprinkled with errors. 13 Ranges from being clear and correct on the one hand to mixing flair with some clumsiness in a convincing show of promise on the other. 15 11 12 14 16 17 72 18 76 14 18 19 19 ENG1511/101 80 84 88 Convincing signs of superior intelligence and control; obvious clarity of interpretation originality of thought; logically sequenced, cohesive, well supported. 20 21 22 Lucid, economical, even elegant; chooses words aptly from obvious depths of vocabulary; effortless control of complex sentences to express complex ideas; virtually error-free. 20 21 22 92 23 23 96 100 24 24 25 25 STEPS TO SUBMITING YOUR ESSAY a. b. c. d. e. f. Plan your essay following the steps in your Study Guide. Write the first draft. Give the draft to a friend/ colleague/ family member to read and comment on. Use the comments to revise and edit your draft. Write the final revised essay. Submit the following in one assignment cover, stapled together. If you are submitting online via MyUnisa, scan all documents into one file and upload this one file as your assignment (MyUnisa cannot handle different files submitted for one assignment). You do not need to sign your declaration form if you are submitting on-line, just type the words from the form and include your full names in the signature space: i) Essay plan (brainstorming) ii) First draft (with comments) iii) The final revised essay iv) The signed declaration form Please ensure that you submit your assignment by the due date. INSTRUCTIONS Write an argumentative essay on ONE of the following topics . Provide a heading which summarises your point of view and then write a convincing argument in support of your views. Your essay should be approximately 500 words in length (about two pages). You can handwrite your essay using the writing pads you received when you registered. You can also type your essay using 12 font size, double-spaced. Please leave enough space in the margins for marker comments. 15 1. Social media have made our lives easier. Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with this statement. 2. It has been almost 20 years since the last African country gained its independence. In these years, do you think the governments of Africa have done enough to meet the needs of their citizens? Give examples to support your argument. 3. There is nothing that the youth can teach the older generation. Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with this statement. 16 ENG1511/101 Plagiarism This is not a research essay. We are interested in your own experiences and views, and in your own words to express them. Do not plagiarise anyone else’s work. It is a criminal offence; it is easy for us to detect it; if we do, we may cancel your registration on the grounds of fraud. NB. YOU WILL BE PENALISED HEAVILY IF YOU JUST COPY AND PASTE INFORMATION FROM THE INTERNET WITHOUT ANY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Cut out the declaration below, sign it and staple it to the inside cover of your assignment. NB. No Assignment 02 will be accepted without this attachment. Declaration Name: .. Student number: . I declare that this assignment is my own original work. I have not copied anyone else’s work or allowed anyone else to copy mine. I am aware that plagiarism is fraud and may be punished by the cancellation of an offending student’s registration. Signed: .. 17 18 ENG1511/101 SEMESTER 2 ASSIGNMENTS Assignment No. Type of Assignment Compulsory Due dates Unique number Weight 01 Written Yes 15 August 2014 840768 50 02 Written Yes 12 September 2014 898692 50 ASSIGNMENT 01 DUE DATE: 12 August 2014 UNIQUE NUMBER: 840768 COMPULSORY: YES INSTRUCTIONS: Read through your Study Guide and answer the following questions. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. 1. I was born in the heat of South Africa’s political strife, in the year 1976. I was raised in a big family with sisters, brothers, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Times were tough, resources and opportunities limited. Still my parents, a teacher and a nurse, provided not only for their children, but also for the extended family. Because of these shared resources, my four siblings and I did not have the luxury of attending affluent schools. 2. We were lucky to have had the opportunity to go to school at all. While my paternal grandparents had also been part of the fortunate few educated, my maternal grandparents did not have any formal education. They tried to give their children (my mom and her siblings) the best education they could. The eagerness with which my parents studied inspires me even today. From the limited access to educational facilities, both my parents studied to honours level and, at their age, they are still engaged in postgraduate studies. 3. Very much like my parents, my schooling was not always easy. The government schools were not well resourced, but we had passionate teachers who always told us that with education, we would go far in life. I thank God that those words were further emphasized at home. School was difficult as English was the language of learning and teaching, and yet a language we were not speakers of. To compound the problem further, some of the teachers were not proficient in English. My colleagues still don’t believe that I was often taught English in my native language, isiZulu! Despite all that, it was my love for language that motivated me to master English. 19 I realized very early in life that English is the language of power. I realized that if I armed myself with this tool, I could use it to open many doors. Furthermore, I realized that I could help others unlock their potential and reach their dreams as well. 4. I had dreams of furthering my studies when I was growing up; I wanted to achieve great things in life. Whenever I spoke about my dreams to my peers, they would laugh at me and say dreaming of living like a White man was exactly that, a dream! You see, I grew up in a black township and attended government schools. We hardly ever had interactions with White people and my peers always associated the ‘good’ life with being White. The ‘good’ life seemed out of reach for many, who in turn made it their mission to discourage the hopefuls. I was tenacious and rigid; I didn’t let that deter me. 5. My ‘first’ encounter with Whites was when I started studying at university. At university I decided to major in English, a territory that was not usually trodden back then. I couldn’t help but notice that I was treated with a certain level of disdain for my choice in majors. My black peers thought I was trying to achieve the impossible, trying to be superior, to be ‘White’, while the White lecturers tried to discourage my classmates and me. I got the impression that they thought we were not good enough to major in English. This only fuelled my drive to excel in my chosen major subjects. In my experience as both a learner and later a language practitioner, one has to have a drive that will obstinately motivate one to succeed against all odds. 6. To cut a long story short, I’m in the process of registering for my PhD in English and I’ve been told it will be hard. I’m not naive, I know it will be hard, but I also know for sure that I’ll make it! Now answer the following questions. 1. 2. 20 Write all the dictionary entries of the following words. i) Disdain ii) Affluent iii) Tenacious iv) Compound (4 marks) Which of the following words has a prefix that means ‘not’ or ‘the opposite of’? i) Impossible ii) Impale iii) Imperial iv) Imminent v) Immature (2 marks) ENG1511/101 3. Correct the following sentences for subject-verb agreement, tenses and fragments. i) My car it is very beautiful. ii) When he thought he could afford to pay his own school fees. iii) This students keep making noise. iv) When I was young, I use to love playing with dolls. v) I’m don’t like horror movies. vi) Going home now, how I wish I could get there before it starts to rain. vii) Everyone have a right to live happily ever after. viii) These are great news indeed; I can’t believe I made it! ix) In 1990, he lead his team to a glorious victory. x) I am writing my homework after every class. (10 marks) 4. If you wanted to know if the passage has any reference to the year 1976, would you skim or would you scan through the story? (1 mark) 5. If you wanted to know the gist of the passage, would you skim or would you scan through the story? (1 mark) 6. Skimming and scanning form part of the -reading strategies. (1 mark) 7. What evidence is there that the writer is tenacious? (2 marks) 8. Which paragraph tells us more about the writer’s early school days? (1 mark) 9. What would be a suitable heading for this passage? (1 mark) 10. What is the main idea in paragraph 6? (1 mark) 11. Paraphrase the sentence, â€Å"In my experience as both a learner and later a language practitioner, one has to have a drive that will obstinately motivate one to succeed against all odds. † (1 mark) Total: 252= 50x 2=100 21 ASSIGNMENT 02: SEMESTER 2 DUE DATE: 12 SEPTEMBER 2014 UNIQUE NUMBER: 898692 COMPULSORY: YES Assignment function This assignment gives you the opportunity to write an argumentative essay and receive feedback. Marking Code SYMBOL abb ap ERROR EXPLANATION Abbreviation Do not use abbreviations, or contractions (such as cant, dont, etc) in formal writing Apostrophe error An apostrophe is a comma that hangs above the line to indicate possession or missing letters boy’s nose; boys’ noses; I’ll; isn’t; it’s; NB: its (without an apostrophe) is the possessive form: The dog chewed its bone. cap Capital letter The word should begin with a capital letter. p Punctuation You have mis-used a punctuation mark, or omitted one where it was necessary. sp Spelling You have mis-spelt a word. Try to get into the habit of using a dictionary consistently. l/c Lower case This word does not begin with a capital letter. agr (s/v) Agreement error Your verb does not agree with your subject in number. Check whether your subject is singular or plural, e. g. The students read the book, but The student reads the book 22 ENG1511/101 SYMBOL ERROR EXPLANATION art Article error You have used a instead of the, or vice versa, or left one of them out. c/s Comma splice You have joined two ideas (ie two separate sentences) without using a connecting word, or proper punctuation. Either add a connecting word, or change the comma to a semi-colon, or break the comma-spliced sentence into two separate sentences. Fragmentary sentence Your sentence does not have a verb, and therefore is only a fragment of a sentence. Incomplete sentence You have left out part of the sentence. T Tense error Your verb is in the wrong tense. WO Word Order incorrect The words in your sentence are in the wrong place. Your marker will have used arrows to indicate where the word(s) should go. amb Ambiguity Your statement could have two meanings. Rephrase. arg Argument Your argument / explanation is not methodical / coherent / relevant. awk Awkward phrasing Your sentence sounds awkward and clumsy. Revise word choice and word order. st style slang/colloquial/sms language-rewrite in formal English exp Expression faulty Your sentence is difficult to understand because of errors too numerous to list. frag / inc 23 SYMBOL ERROR EXPLANATION irr Irrelevant L? / ill Logic faulty illogical vague puzzling [ New Paragraph You have started discussing a new idea. You need a new paragraph. Vocabulary error / Wrong word You have used the wrong word or you could have used a better one. wdy Wordiness You have used too many words to say something which could be said far more simply and concisely. / Instead of Delete Insert Replace with what is suggested instead. Omit this word/phrase/ explanation. A word or a letter is missing here. voc WW 0 / ? / What you have said has nothing to do with the topic. / or Illogical, or your writing does not make sense here. clarify the sense Write and revise your essay with the following evaluators’ guidelines in mind: 24 ENG1511/101 Marking Assessment Content (25) and expression (25). Total: 50. †¢ Content includes topic interpretation, ideas (relevance, weight, originality) and their organisation (introduction conclusion; paragraphing; cohesion; logicality). †¢ Expression rates a candidates control of standard academic English, particularly as reflected in sentence structure, diction and correctness. % Content m/25 Expression m/25 4 1 1 8 2 2 12 3 3 16 4 20 24 Interpretation and arguments so lacking in intelligence that it would be futile for this candidate to repeat the subject. 5 6 4 Ranges from incomprehensible to barely literate: vocabulary sentence patterns elementary; serious errors in sentence structure, language, diction, spelling punctuation. 5 6 28 7 7 32 8 8 36 9 9 40 44 48 52 Inadequate despite some understanding of the topic; ideas confused or disconnected; lacks logical sequencing, development cohesion. Just adequate in the balance of considerations. 56 60 64 10 11 12 13 14 Sound. Clear grasp of the task; deals well with the obvious points; organises 15 16 Meaning confused or obscured: vocabulary and sentence patterns limited; errors in sentence structure, language, diction, spelling punctuation. Meaning seldom obscured; adequate control of basics; lightly sprinkled with errors. Ranges from being clear and correct on the one hand to mixing flair with some clumsiness in a 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 25 68 ideas logically; or some imbalance arriving at the same level of general success. 17 convincing show of promise on the other. 17 72 18 18 76 19 19 80 84 88 Convincing signs of superior intelligence and control; obvious clarity of interpretation originality of thought; logically sequenced, cohesive, well supported. 20 21 22 Lucid, economical, even elegant; chooses words aptly from obvious depths of vocabulary; effortless control of complex sentences to express complex ideas; virtually error-free. 20 21 22 92 23 23 96 100 24 24 25 25 STEPS TO SUBMITING YOUR ESSAY a. b. c. d. e. f. Plan your essay following the steps in your Study Guide. Write the first draft. Give the draft to a friend/ colleague/ family member to read and comment on. Use the comments to revise and edit your draft. Write the final revised essay. Submit the following in one assignment cover, stapled together. If you are submitting online via MyUnisa, scan all documents into one file and upload this one file as your assignment (MyUnisa cannot handle different files submitted for one assignment). You do not need to sign your declaration form if you are submitting on-line, just type the words from the form and include your full name in the signature space: i) Essay plan (brainstorming) ii) First draft (with comments) iii) The final revised essay iv) The declaration form Please ensure that you submit your assignment by the due date. 26 ENG1511/101 Write an argumentative essay on ONE of the following essays. Provide a heading which summarises your point of view and then write a convincing argument in support of your views. Your essay should be approximately 500 words in length (about two pages). You can also type your essay using 12 font size, double-spaced. Please leave enough space in the margins for marker comments. 1. African Universities are ready for the implementation of online learning. Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with this statement. 2. People should wear whatever they feel comfortable in, irrespective of other people’s opinions. Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with this statement. 3. Guns should be banned. Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with this statement. 27 28 ENG1511/101 Plagiarism This is not a research essay. We are interested in your own experiences and views, and in your own words to express them. Do not plagiarise anyone else’s work. It is a criminal offence; it is easy for us to detect it; if we do, we may cancel your registration on the grounds of fraud. NB. YOU WILL BE PENALISED HEAVILY IF YOU JUST COPY AND PASTE INFORMATION FROM THE INTERNET WITHOUT ANY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Cut out the declaration below, sign it and staple it to the inside cover of your assignment. NB. No Assignment 02 will be accepted without this attachment. Declaration Name:.. Student number: . I declare that this assignment is my own original work. I have not copied anyone else’s work or allowed anyone else to copy mine. I am aware that plagiarism is fraud and may be punished by the cancellation of an offending student’s registration. Signed: .. 29 30 ENG1511/101 9 OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS Other assessment activities are on MyUnisa. Log on for more information. 10